Looking forward to ADC 2024

Our annual delegate conference takes place from Tuesday 21 – Thursday 23 May.

PCS annual delegate conference (ADC) is our principal decision–making body where delegates vote on motions to determine our policies which our national executive committee will implement throughout the following year.

This year’s conference starts at 2pm on Tuesday 21 May and runs until 12:30pm on Thursday 23 May. It takes places at the Brighton Centre in Brighton, but can also be attended virtually by delegates who have registered and are unable to attend in person.

To view the livestream of ADC 2024, when it opens log in to PCS Digital and follow the link on the homepage. The livestream can be viewed by any member who logs in.

The report of motions to be debated at conference can be found on our Conference 2024 web page, along with other documents and essential reading.

A major benefit of conference for delegates and observers is meeting other reps, building contacts, discussing common issues and sharing solutions, often at fringe meetings and social events.

Fringe meetings take place in the evenings, after the close of conference business, and at lunchtimes. Refreshments may be provided. Find out the details of fringe events taking place on our dedicated web page. Delegates at conference and any other members can join our Facebook Live event at 6:15pm on Monday evening before conference opens.

If you need help during conference, contact our headquarters staff at the enquiries desk or the member auditors during conference sessions. Please come and talk to us on the stalls and take the opportunity to speak with our officials and national executive members.

Follow updates on social media using the hashtag #PCSADC