Every single vote matters

Fran thanks activists who have been working so hard over the past seven weeks to  get the vote out and urges everyone to keep that momentum going by getting every last vote that we can. 

We’re now entering the remaining days of the ballot and we need one last push from everyone. Every single vote matters and just one vote can be the difference between beating the turnout threshold or not in all the employers where we’re balloting.

A big thank you to all our activists who have been working so hard over the past seven weeks to engage with members and get the vote out. With just a few days left, let’s keep that momentum going by getting every last vote that we can.

The ballot closes on Monday 13 May but because this is a postal-only ballot, the last day to send ballot papers off to guarantee they arrive in time is this Wednesday. So, we’re encouraging you to speak to members in your workplace to make sure they’ve sent their ballots off in time.

The message also is that there’s still time to speak to members about the issues and encourage them to vote and send their ballot papers off. We saw with the announcement of 70,000 potential job cuts just how much is at stake.

We’ve seen that when faced with these big issues, we fight back with everything we’ve got. I was at the picket line at Heathrow Airport this week as members in the Border Force began their strike and PCS will be with them for as long as it takes.

We’ve seen this same determination from members on strike at National Museums Liverpool, who have been on strike for over 60 days and have just announced 30 more. They’re the only employer out of 200 covered by the civil service pay remit to withhold the £1,500 that was secured as part of our historic national campaign. It’s a disgraceful situation and our members clearly aren’t going anywhere until it’s put right.

The resolve shown by these members should inspire us all in this final push for votes in the coming days. These disputes and the victories that have come before them also serve as a reminder that the best way to right the wrongs of bad bosses is to vote, strike and ultimately win.

Let’s all rally together for these crucial last few days and deliver a result that can be the first step towards delivering the justice our members deserve.