Nottingham March for Palestine

Start date
End date
Nottingham City Centre
Who's it for

Jeremy Corbyn MP will speak at the assembly point for this demonstration, which promises to be a huge show of support for the people of Palestine and Gaza. 

The demonstration assembles at The Forest Recreation Ground from 12.00pm

The march itself will be followed by a mass rally in the Nottingham Old Market Square.

Speakers will include PCS Midlands regional secretary, Dani Jackson as well as a range of speakers from across the movement, including UCU, NEU, PSC, Stop the War Coalition and the Nottingham Council of Mosques.

Event Contact

Event Address

Assemble from 12.00pm, Forest Recreation Ground, Nottingham NG7 6HB.  There is a tram stop next to the Forest and access to a large, free car park.

The rally will take place following the march in the Old Market Square from around 1.00pm