Our Work Matters: Free TUC training and networking event for outsourced workers.

Start date
End date
Central Hall Westminster, Storey's Gate, London, SW1H 9NH
Who's it for
PCS reps, advocates and active members employed on outsourced Facilities Management contracts.

Outsourced workers are the forgotten heroes who keep the country going.

This event will bring together union reps and members who are outsourced facilities management workers e.g. catering, cleaning and security etc , in the public to discuss the issues facing their colleagues and workplaces, and how to run successful campaigns to resolve them.

This training event will give practical advice and support on key everyday workplace issues such as winning better pay; your health and safety rights at work; what to do if your job is TUPE’d (transferred) to a different employer; and how to build a strong, workplace union.

You will hear directly from other outsourced workers and union reps who won campaigns in their workplaces for higher pay, more holiday days, better sick pay and insourcing.

This will be an excellent opportunity for you to network and make new connections with people working in similar roles to you.

Event Contact
Event Address

Central Hall Westminster, Storey's Gate, London, SW1H 9NH