PCS responds to Liverpool Crown Court chaos
The court building was evacuated during strike action by PCS security officers
A PCS spokesperson said: “Today’s chaos in the court shows the true value of our members’ work.
“People using the court were put at risk because the emergency evacuation procedure wasn’t followed including staff not using the correct evacuation points.
“People were left in the building throughout the time it should have been empty and, when it was time to return, people went back in without being searched through side entrances and the searching in the main entrance was insufficient.
“This breaches all security guidelines and happened because agency workers were asked to cover a role they’re not trained for.
“Luckily no harm was done today, but the chaos underlines the importance of having trained professionals running the security of our courts.
"And underlines why they deserve a decent pay rise for the important work they do keeping people safe.”
PCS members employed by OCS were taking action over pay. More details here.