Private Sector Pre-Retirement Webinar
Start date
End date
Who's it for
Private sector members in the north west who are within 5 years of retirement.
This half-day webinar is aimed at private sector union members or those with pensions outside of public sector schemes. Attendees should be within 5 years (ideally 2) of your expected retirement.
You can apply for a place by emailing confirming your union and membership number.
The seminar will include presentations from True Bearing Chartered Independent Financial Advice and True Bearing Legal Services and will cover:
- True Bearing financial advice approach
- Risk Vs. Reward
- Accessibility
- Inflation
- Income & Growth
- Taxation
- Investment advice
- IFA & Wealth Management
- Wills & Trusts
- Protection & Assets
And a Pensions Overview of DC and DB Schemes.
Event Contact
To register, email stating your union and membership number. You will be sent a provider registration form to receive the webinar joining link.
Event Address
This event is being organised by the TUC Multiply Project Team.