CPS Group Pay Update
The CPS has published details of its full and final pay offer for 2023/24. PCS has written to the head of HR operations rejecting the offer as it falls significantly short of our national demands.
The change in the pay remit for this round of talks, from an initial 2%, was as a result of the industrial action taken by PCS members across the civil service. This action would not have been possible without the donations made by PCS members at the CPS through the temporary increase to their levy.
PCS entered negotiations, having been very clear that, firstly, 4.5% was the beginning of the conversation on pay, not the final offer, and; secondly, that we wanted to see the 0.5% of the total pay bill spent fully on the lowest paid staff at the CPS, and distributed fairly among them.
PCS Pay Team welcomes the distribution of the 0.5% and the impact that this has had in uplifting the pay award for the lowest paid. Ensuring our members in these grades received a fair uplift above 4.5% was our utmost priority.
Despite the positive direction of negotiations, the pay remit was not enough to meet PCS’ pay claim, nor does it equate to a satisfactory rectification of the past decade of frozen pay or very restrictive pay remits. For this reason, PCS has rejected this offer unilaterally, and will not put it to members in a consultative ballot.
PCS has made it clear to CPS management that, should further concessions be achieved through ongoing national negotiations between PCS and the Cabinet Office, we reserve the right to reopen negotiations for this year’s pay round.
PCS now anticipates that the pay award will be imposed and members will see it in October’s pay packet.