Disability History Month – Reasonable Adjustments

This year’s theme is “Disability Livelihood and Employment”. Throughout the month, we’ll be sharing guidance on a range of disability topics focussed on the workplace.

A reasonable adjustment is a change to a job or work environment that reduces or eliminates a disadvantage caused by a disability. Legally required under equality law, these adjustments ensure that disabled workers have equal access to opportunities. Employers who fail to make reasonable adjustments could face claims of disability discrimination.

There’s no fixed list of reasonable adjustments, as each change depends on individual needs. Examples include:

  • Job role adjustments: Modifying tasks to better suit an individual’s needs.
  • Physical environment: Making changes to workspace layouts, adding ramps, or adjusting lighting.
  • Equipment: Providing specialised software, ergonomic furniture, or assistive devices.
  • Flexible work patterns: Allowing for different working hours, remote work, or break arrangements.

These examples are not exhaustive; each person may require unique adjustments to best support their role.

Employers are responsible for covering the cost of any adjustments. Workers should not have to pay for equipment or resources needed to accommodate their disabilities, as requiring them to do so may be considered discriminatory.

PCS also supports workplace accessibility by encouraging employers to integrate accessibility into the design of work environments rather than as an afterthought. This proactive approach helps ensure that workplaces are inclusive from the start.

Need help?

We have more detailed guidance on reasonable adjustments and other disability issues on PCS Digital. If you need help with your disability, or with any other workplace issue you can also contact your local PCS representative who will be happy to help.


PCS Academy has created a new one-day training course on Negotiating Reasonable Adjustments for union reps. It will  be held on 11 February 2025 (login to PCS Digital required).