PCS has formally rejected HMRC's pay offer but HMRC has confirmed the pay award will be implemented in November salaries.

The HMRC chief executive has today (31) confirmed that the 2024/25 pay offer will be implemented in November salaries.

PCS advised HMRC that the group executive committee had decided the pay offer should be rejected on the basis the offer falls way short our demands. The GEC however accepted overwhelming feedback from members attending pay meetings that the pay offer should be implemented as soon as possible. In response HMRC said they are disappointed that PCS could not accept the pay offer which they considered to be a good one.

The GEC thank the circa 4000 members who attended pay meetings, and for answering the survey questions.

National Minimum Wage increase

This week the government confirmed that in April 2025 the national minimum wage (NMW) will rise by 6.7% to £12.21. For several years NMW increases in percentage terms have been significantly higher than the headline percentage increase in the civil service pay remit guidance. This has meant a higher proportion of funds has been allocated to ensure the department complies with the NMW. In April 2025 circa 530 AAs and 15,900 AOs require a pay uplift to comply with NMW. The differential between AA national pay and AO national pay will be wiped out and the difference between the AO rate and the band O minimum will further reduce.

Staff in receipt of Universal Credit or paying off Student Loans

HMRC have advised PCS that the Cabinet Office provided guidance to them that they should not offer staff the option of having staggered payments of backdated pay increases. PCS has written to the Cabinet Office requesting a copy of this guidance. We have consistently argued that members should be offered the option to stagger payments to alleviate any adverse impacts such as on UC and Student Loan payments.