Membership soars as G4S DWP security guards strike again
G4S security guards that work in jobcentres and other DWP offices are on strike again all of this week.
PCS membership among G4S security guards working in DWP offices has more than doubled since the start of this dispute and now stands at over 360.
This means that the co-ordinated strike action between PCS and GMB is putting ever increasing pressure on both DWP and G4S with more offices being closed during each subsequent period of strike action.
Disappointingly, DWP continue to ignore legitimate safety concerns resulting from the dispute and refuse to meet with PCS to address those concerns.
We believe that the new Labour government could bring an end to this dispute by bringing this group of workers back in-house onto civil service contracts saving large sums of money that could be redirected into members' pay.
The picket lines have been very vibrant with music, chants and members rapping. Local management came out from one office saying that the music was disrupting work in the jobcentre, and staff from inside responded in an action of solidarity by messaging requests to the striking security guards.
There will be a rally and march in support of striking G4S workers in central London on Wednesday 17 July in conjunction with the GMB. It will start at the Supreme Court at 1pm and the march will leave at 2pm to demonstrate outside DWP and G4S headquarters. PCS members and activists are encouraged to attend to make this demonstration too big for G4S, DWP and the government to ignore.