MoJ pay offer 2024/25
PCS responds to the 2024/25 pay offer from the Ministry of Justice. Pay meetings have been scheduled for October.
In February 2024, PCS’s general secretary, Fran Heathcote, wrote to the Cabinet Office setting out the national pay claim for 2024/25. The claim that PCS lodged via its national executive committee (NEC) was:
- a cost-of-living rise, with an inflation proofed increase plus pay restoration
- pay equality across departments on the best possible terms,
- a living wage of £15 per hour,
- London weighting provision of a minimum £5,000 per year,
- 35 days annual leave minimum,
- a significant shortening of the working week with no loss of pay.
MoJ pay offer 2024/25
Given the civil service pay remit (the guidelines set by central government on the maximum that a department’s pay bill can increase by) of 5% of the pay bill, it was obvious that what the Ministry of Justice could offer would not meet the PCS demands.
However, it was our obligation as PCS pay team negotiators for the MoJ group to seek the best benefits for the maximum number of our members.
The headlines of the MoJ offer following negotiations are:
- 98.5% of staff to receive an award of between 5% and 5.5% of their base pay,
- 5.5% increase to AA and AO spot rates,
- Increasing pay band minima by 4% and maintaining range lengths to move 227 staff out of mark time,
- Extending the length of the EO pay range to maximise the number of staff receiving a consolidated award. Overall, 94.4% of staff will receive a fully consolidated award with 3.5% of staff receiving a partially consolidated award and 2.2% of staff receiving a fully non-consolidated award,
- Increases to SEO Legal, Finance and Commercial specialist allowances,
- Paying directly employed fast streamers the HEO award.
PCS response
Your PCS pay team had a significant impact on negotiating the final offer, and the result is that we have achieved much of what we sought, including an increase in the specialist allowance for Legal Advisers.
However, we have rejected the offer formally as it falls well short of the NEC’s national pay claim demands. This means we will not ballot members on the offer.
But we note that it is higher than the current rate of inflation and is higher than offers received in recent years. The award puts more money in the pockets of AA-AO grade members, most of whom will receive 5.5%.
What does this all mean?
The NEC’s rejection of the offer does not mean you won’t get your increase in pay, just that we are pursuing the national demands in ongoing negotiations with Cabinet Office.
PCS’s rejection of the offer will not delay imposition of the offer by MoJ. The employer has indicated that it is very keen to make payments in time for Christmas.
View the department’s pay ranges.
Members’ meetings
The MoJ has agreed up to one hour’s facility time to attend pay meetings on 9 and 14 October. Links to join via Teams have been emailed to members.
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