UK general election: our demands for members
PCS sets out what members need from the next government and urges all to vote
PCS is putting the union’s national campaign objectives for members at the centre of our lobbying work in the run-up to the UK general election on 4 July.
The election strategy was agreed at an emergency meeting of the national executive committee (NEC) on 4 June.
As part of it, the union has collated a charter of demands to the future government which covers nine key topics for members, ranging from pay, pensions and jobs, to trade union rights, to major reforms around insourcing, social security and immigration.
Members are being encouraged to highlight these demands to local candidates while PCS raises them nationally with parties and leaders. The union also urges all members to have their voice heard by using their vote in this vital election.
PCS remains a non-party affiliated trade union, representing a broad membership. Our key objectives will be promoted to all candidates and parties. Guides to lobbying have been produced and sent to PCS reps and regional offices to help with the process.
Given the polling forecasts, the NEC also agreed that an approach would be made to the Labour leader, highlighting the union’s ongoing campaigning objectives on pay but also placing our vital demands on him and his party, should they become the next government and therefore employer to the majority of our civil service members.
PCS General Secretary Fran Heathcote wrote to Sir Keir Starmer on 13 June, urging him to meet PCS and work positively with the union to acknowledge members’ concerns over attacks on their pay, pensions and job security, and to discuss major civil service reforms.
Read more about the general election on our dedicated general election page.