Personal cases

A personal case is opened when a member raises a problem at work with rep. It is strictly confidential.

When you have problems at work, your union is here to help. Trade union support at difficult times is a key benefit of your trade union membership. We have a vast network of trade union reps across the UK. Trade union reps are highly skilled, highly trained, dedicated volunteers. Your reps are supported by PCS full time officers who work for you in PCS.

When a member raises a problem at work with a rep, we call it a personal case. The personal case information is confidential. The union rep and member will agree on how to deal with the problem. The union rep will gather information, support and represent the member. With the member's permission the union rep will get further help and advice from within PCS using a PCU1 form. Before completing this form both the union rep and the member should read our guidance on completing it. Please note that PCS is usually unable to provide legal assistance where the issue pre-dates PCS membership. Read the rules of the PCS Employment Law Scheme

Employment law is complex. Where necessary the Legal and Personal Case Unit can give experienced support and advice, including legal advice from our employment law solicitors Thompsons.

If you think your case could go to an employment tribunal, talk to your union rep straight away. There is a strict three month time limit to bring a tribunal claim. We can help you if you were a member at the time of the incident(s).

Not a member? Protect yourself and join PCS today.