Ask a colleague to join PCS to vote in the ballot

We are asking members to recruit at least one colleague to PCS so that they can have a say in the next stage of our campaign.

Running from 3 to 31 August, our online consultative ballot asks members to endorse the union’s strategy for the next stage in our campaign: to pause our strike action, except where employers are refusing to pay the £1,500 cost of living payment, while we engage in departmental talks on pay for 2023/4.

One way to strengthen our position in our campaign is to recruit new members – so we are asking all members to speak to at least one colleague or friend to encourage them to join PCS.

New members who join PCS before 5pm on Tuesday 15 August will automatically be included in the ballot.

You can explain to colleagues or friends why it’s important for them to have a say in this ballot, telling them your own reasons for voting.

You can explain how our members and reps have already won concessions from the government through collective action. You might have a story from a recent picket line that shows how members’ determination has forced the government’s hand.

You can explain how your colleague would be joining tens of thousands of other members across the civil service and related areas who want to stand up for better working conditions, for improved pay and conditions, for protections against redundancy and office closures, and who have a say in how their workplaces are organised and run.

You might have a personal story to tell of how the union or a particular rep has helped you or a fellow member in a time of need.

And you can also explain how membership of the union not only offers protections in the workplace. It also provides a range of benefits, including insurance deals, a free will service and access to the PCS Credit Union.

Join PCS online today.