Branch advocates

Welcoming new members and getting them active in PCS.

Since it was launched in 2023, the new digital Advocates system has identified hundreds of new potential activists. Essentially, it works by ensuring that any member who expresses an interest in getting involved in union activity is logged on PCS Digital and their branch officers (chair, secretary and organiser) are notified by email and then encouraged to meet for a short induction. This will get the member involved in branch activity as quickly as possible.

Branches should think of potential Advocates as ‘keen members’ who are willing to get involved. That might be for a ballot, on a local issue or simply being a point of contact in their workplace – whatever the branch needs and the member is confident in doing. We know that many potential Advocates will be keen to jump right in and would instead prefer to become reps straight away: and this should be welcomed too. Branches can of course adapt the system to their local needs, and work with the member to figure out how they can contribute.

Advocates tend to be younger and are more reflective of the gender demographics within HMRC, so this new system is one of the resources we have that ensures we continue to build a sustainable layer of activists for years to come.