DWP conference agrees to re-ballot members for strike action

In a debate at its group conference today, DWP reps agreed to re-ballot members for strike action after narrowly missing the 50% legal threshold in the most recent ballot. 

Conference also agreed not to include a second question on the ballot paper for action short of a strike.

Nothing has changed for staff in the DWP. Thousands of members in the department are still having to survive on poverty pay. The only way to get the UK government to stump up more than the current 4.5% on offer will be to get a new mandate for strike action.

A motion to conference asking for a second question to be on the ballot paper asking members for action short of a strike was defeated, so there will just be a single question asking members to take action. The group executive committee will however continue to review the option of action short of a strike.

There will be an announcement soon after conference to inform members when the ballot will start. 

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