General secretary election timetable announced

A timetable for the election of the next PCS General Secretary has been agreed by our national executive committee following the announcement that Mark Serwotka is to retire on 31 January.

The present assistant general secretary’s term ends on 9 May, 2024, and the AGS election will run to the same timetable as for the general secretary.

GS/AGS election timetable 2023

Monday, 2 September Call for nominations

Monday, 5pm, 16 October Deadline for receipt of completed nominations

Monday, 5pm, 23 October Deadline for acceptance and election addresses

Thursday, 9 November Ballot opens

Thursday, noon 14 December Ballot closes

The successful GS candidate would take up office on 1 February, 2024, and the successful AGS candidate would take up office on 10 May, 2024. Election regulations for both elections will be agreed by the NEC at the appropriate time. And an independent scrutineer will be appointed to conduct the elections.