Grievances and disciplinaries

When problems arise at work, PCS is here to support and advise you.

Anyone can have problems at work.

The average worker in the UK will work 84,171 hours over a lifetime. That’s a lot of working hours where things can go wrong. UK workers will have 94 days, nearly three months, sickness absence and 812 arguments at work over the course of their career. We think about quitting our job 16 times a year on average.

Work can be enjoyable, satisfying and rewarding. Many employers treat their workers fairly. Some do not. Even good employers and workers can make mistakes from time to time.

When problems arise at work, you may need to make a grievance. Or a grievance could be raised about you. You may have problems with conduct, performance or attendance that lead to your employer taking disciplinary action against you. If this happens to you, talk to your union rep right away. We can help you, if you were a member at the time of the incident(s).  

You might be a member and a manager. You might have to discipline an employee or investigate and hear a grievance. Your union can help you make sure the policy and processes are properly followed.

Your union can give free legal advice, guidance and representation for workplace bullying and harassment issues. We also have resources on dealing with workplace issues that can help.

Not a member? Join PCS today.