
PCS is proud to campaign for human rights and against inequality and injustice around the world.

What happens in the rest of the world can have a direct impact on us all; the war in Ukraine is a prime example. Climate change does not respect international borders and also, human rights are for all, and should not depend on what country you live in.

The trade union movement is international. Struggles in the rest of the world are not foreign or too far away from us to care. PCS has built up relationships with sister trade unions around the globe and through European and global trade union federations, to promote and protect our members' interests and concerns. We work collaboratively with a range of civil society organisations through affiliations and other trade unions on leading campaigns. 

The union's broader international solidarity – in line with conference policy - embraces support for and in defence of trade union, labour and more general human rights across a number of countries and regions, including Latin America, the Middle East and North Africa and Southern Africa.

This work is overseen by the international committee, a sub-committee of the national executive committee. The committee meets once a month to discuss how we can work with the affiliated campaigns and with other unions in Europe, as well as looking at specific or topical international issues. 

Safe passage

PCS has launched a new pamphlet titled “Safe Passage Now: The way to stop the boats and save lives”. Read the full text of the pamphlet including FAQs.

Action for Southern Africa campaigns for rights, equality and justice across Southern Africa.

Amnesty International campaigns against injustice and inequality everywhere.

Cuba Solidarity Campaign campaigns in the UK against the US blockade and for the Cuban people's right to self-determination.

Debt Justice campaigns to end unjust debt and its root causes, formerly named Jubilee Debt Campaign.

European Federation for Retired and Elderly Persons campaigns for the right to decent pensions, health care, housing, and the right to social inclusion and full participation of older people.

Freedom for Ocalan Abdullah Öcalan is the recognised leader of the Kurdish movement in Turkey and beyond, speaking for people’s aspirations for freedom from political and cultural oppression.

Global Justice Now is a democratic social justice organisation to create a more just and equal world.

Hands Off the People of Iran campaigns for the lifting of sanctions and against threats of war, and solidarity with socialist, democratic movements fighting Iran’s theocratic regime.

Hands Off Venezuela campaigns for the building of direct links with the revolutionary and trade union movement in Venezuela.

Justice for Colombia supports Colombian civil society in its struggle for human rights, labour rights, peace and social justice.

MENA Solidarity Network is engaged in building solidarity links with workers in the Middle East and North Africa. 

No Sweat is a campaign that builds solidarity with sweatshop workers around the world.

Palestine Solidarity Campaign works for peace, equality, and justice and against racism, occupation, and colonisation.

Stop the War opposes the squandering of public resources on militarism.

Tamil Solidarity stands in solidarity and demands rights for the oppressed Tamil people.

Trade Justice Movement calls for trade rules that work for people and planet.

Ukraine Solidarity Campaign seeks to organise solidarity and provide information in support of the Ukrainian labour movement.

Venezuela Solidarity Campaign aims to build international resistance to US intervention in Venezuela.

War on Want fights the causes of poverty and defends human rights.