PCS equality and learning calendar

PCS is organising and supporting a range of equality events throughout 2024.

Some of the links are to external websites. PCS is not responsible for the content of those websites or that the information on those sites is up to date or correct.

Tell us about the equality events you are involved in, email editor@pcs.org.uk 

1-31 March    

Women's History Month

3 March    

World Hearing Day

6-8 March    

TUC Women’s Conference 2024

8 March    

International Women’s Day

10 March – 8 April    

Ramadhan (Ramadan)

18-24 March    

Neurodiversity Week

18-24 March    

British Sign Language Week

21 March    

International Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination

23-24 March

TUC Young Workers' Conference 2024

31 March

Trans Day of Visibility

2 April - 8 April

World Autism Acceptance Week

2 April    

World Autism Awareness Day

9-10 April    


26-28 April

TUC Black Workers' Conference 2024

28 April    

Workers' Memorial Day

1 May    

International Workers’ Day / May Day

1-7 May    

Deaf Awareness Week

13-19 May

Learning at Work Week

13-19 May    

Mental Health Awareness Week

17 May    

International Day Against Homophobia Transphobia and Biphobia

23-24 May  

TUC Disabled Workers' Conference 2024

10 - 16 June

Carers Week

Men’s Health Week

17 - 23 June

Refugee Week 

22 June 

Windrush Day

27-28 June
TUC LGBT+ Conference 2024

29 June  

The Women Chainmakers’ Festival

29 June

London Pride


13 July    

Durham Miners' Gala

14 July    

International Non-Binary People’s Day

19-21 July    

Tolpuddle Martyrs' Festival

1-30 November    

Young Workers' Month

1 November  



TUC Disability Pay Gap Day

6 - 10 November

Lifelong Learning Week

Talk Money Week

16 November to 16 December     

Disability History Month

19 November    

International Men’s Day

20 November    

Trans Day of Remembrance

25 November    

International Elimination of Violence Against Women Day