I need help

No matter how rewarding your career, you may still find yourself in need of help or advice at some point in your working life. And PCS is here for you. If you work in the civil service, the public sector and in private sector companies delivering government contracts, your local PCS rep will always be your best port of call. You can find their details by logging into PCS Digital. As well as workplace problems, we can also help with some personal issues.

Join PCS image

Where you work

Use our search tool to find out what's going on in PCS in the employer where you work
Problem at work image

Problem at work?

How to find help.
Problems at home image

Problem at home?

We also have resources to help with problems outside work.
8 squares with H&S related pictures e.g. first aid kit, fire extinguisher

Health and Safety

Unionised workplaces with health and safety reps are safer workplaces.