
We believe all our members have the right to equality of opportunity wherever they work across the civil service and related areas.

Some members need support overcoming discrimination and particular challenges in the workplace and the wider world and we’re here for you. For support contact your PCS rep whose details you can find on PCS Digital.

We want to see more people getting involved in our union to make it look more like you. Our five national equality forums are devoted to working for women, black, disabled, young, and LGBT+ members. They aim to meet at least 3 times a year, with a remit to advise the national executive on policy and to exchange information and identify areas for guidance. For more information on what each forum does and how you can get involved, use the tiles below. Not a member? Join PCS online today.



Find out about our campaigning for women and gender equality.
Black members

Black members

Find out about our campaigning for racial equality.


Find out more about PCS Proud, representing LGBT+ members.
Disabled members

Disabled members

Whether disabilities are visible or invisible, we campaign for disabled rights at work.
Young members

Young members

If you are aged 27 or under, you can join our PCS young members' committee.
Images shows 5 figures with different skin colours, one in a wheelchair, one is pregnant

Equality calendar

View our calendar of equality events throughout 2024.