PCS responds to Labour's crackdown on tax-dodging

Union welcomes additional investment in HMRC and hopes Shadow Chancellor's pledge indicates Labour will not revert to austerity measures

Responding to Labour's plan to tackle tax dodgers to fund schools and hospitals, PCS general secretary, Fran Heathcote said: “HMRC’s workload has rocketed, with the estimated number of income taxpayers rising from 31.7m to 35.9m in the past three years.

“Increased workloads, coupled with the systemic low pay affecting vital grades working in the department, remains a major obstacle to HMRC bridging what is an unacceptable gap between the tax that should be paid and the tax that’s actually collected.

“PCS welcomes the additional investment in HMRC that Labour is pledging to make to tackle tax avoidance. Our union has been campaigning for years to close the tax gap. We have consistently made the case that cracking down on tax avoidance by corporations and wealthy individuals will bring in the revenue needed to properly fund our public services.

"We await further detail on the plans but hope this indicates that if Labour forms the next government, it will choose to take on the tax dodgers rather than revert to austerity measures which have left public services falling apart and those that deliver them struggling to make ends meet."
