PCS strikers in Liverpool win pay rise of over 10%

PCS members working at Hinduja Global Solutions in Liverpool have called off strike action after securing a pay rise of over 10%.

The 80 workers, employed by HGS to run the contact centre and back-office functions of the government’s Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), had taken six weeks’ strike action over pay and working conditions.

Now they have voted to accept a two-year pay offer that will see them receiving an award more in line with inflation.

PCS general secretary Mark Serwotka said: “I’m immensely proud of our members at HGS for their fight and resilience during this long-running dispute.

“To secure this pay rise when the initial offer amounted to just 3.5% is a great victory and sends out a positive message to our 100,000 members taking strike action next week.

“When our members stand up for themselves and stick together it shows they can win the pay rise they deserve.”
