Time’s running out, vote in the ballot today!

Lexi blogs about the impact of the government's policies on her community and how voting in our national ballot can make a difference in forcing the government to listen.

PCS fully supports a diverse and inclusive environment and culture for our members. We are aware that there is a narrative coming from the government which is unhealthy, discriminatory and dangerous towards the transgender community, and is being weaponised to score points.

This alongside their continuous driving down of our pay, terms and conditions is having a direct impact on the transgender community. We see many people living with complex needs such as homelessness and poor mental health, struggling to pay for medication and with physical attacks ever on the increase.

But the tide is turning. 2022 is the year of the trade union movement as collectively our unions are saying enough is enough. We have seen workers who put their lives on the line day in and day out to keep this country safe, to ensure the most vulnerable received vital payments and services. We were clapped one day then told to forget about our good work and accept minimal wage increases the next. Real terms pay cuts with the risk of compulsory redundancies looming with the threat of 91000 job cuts within the civil service. No matter the talk of removing the threat, we know we will see the decimation of jobs and services as funding is reduced under the next spending review.

This government is happy to promote a negative narrative about our community and it’s time for us to not stay silent, to have our voices heard by casting our vote in the PCS ballot. People may be scared about voting but to not cast a vote either way is to stay silent, and to stay silent is to show compliance with government.

It is time now to use our voice collectively, to think about the impact of low pay and reduced terms and conditions on the many diverse needs of our workforce and make the government not just hear us but listen to us – tokenistic acknowledgement is no longer a go-to.

Time is running out. Be proud, be loud, use your voice and cast your vote TODAY!