
Alex works for the Department for Education in Leeds. He is his branch youth officer and the regional young members’ convenor for Yorkshire and Humberside.

Alison works for the Ministry of Justice in London.

Amanda Walters is the founder of the Centre for Progressive Change. She has been a community organiser and campaigner for 14 years. As a Latina migrant, she has worked tirelessly to ensure that migrants in this country are treated with the dignity and respect they deserve. She previously worked for the Living Wage Foundation where she organised low-paid workers and community organisations to campaign for the London Living Wage. During her time there she led the successful Living Wage campaign at Heathrow airport, which saw a pay rise for over 3,200 workers. She also led successful Living Wage campaigns at a number of government departments.

Ben Jamal is the director of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, the biggest organisation in the UK dedicated to securing Palestinian human rights