Changes to PCS monthly subscription rates

The first payment at the new amount will be taken in February 2024.

Following motions passed at our annual conferences in 2022 and 2023, the national executive committee has agreed to a change to our subscription bands for 2024, to ensure our rates reflect current salary levels in the civil service.

The new amounts are as follows:

Salary range             Monthly payment
Over £34,000                £20.01 
£30,001 – £34,000        £17.99 
£26,001 – £30,000        £16.38 
£22,001 – £26,000        £14.60 
£18,001 – £22,000        £12.19 
£14,001 – £18,000         £9.57 
£10,001 – £14,000         £7.23 
Under £10,000              £4.73

You will receive an email informing you of your new monthly payment and the salary details that we have recorded for you on your membership record. If the details are wrong, you can change them by logging into PCS Digital. You will receive a letter in the post if we don’t have your email address recorded.

Please email if you have difficulty updating your details or have any questions.