Conference votes to campaign for trans rights

Physical and policy attacks on trans and non binary people and the importance of PCS defending their rights were highlighted by conference motion A52.

The motion noted “the outpouring of grief following the murder of trans teenager Brianna Ghey” and how “proposals outlined in the Tory guidance for schools would make life harder for trans and non-binary school students, and that spokespeople for the Labour party have given their backing to this guidance.”

Also in Scotland, following the passing of the gender recognition reform bill and the subsequent blocking using section 35 by the UK Government, the Court of Session sided with the decision of the UK Government, in a further attack on trans people.

The motion instructs the NEC to:

  1. Oppose any guidance on trans and non-binary workers which would marginalise them and ensure representatives from PCS Proud are involved in consultation on future Cabinet Office guidance and policies impacting LGBT+ workers.
  2. Support our members in taking necessary industrial and legal action when confronted with any new anti-trans guidance.
  3. Fight against gender-based violence and to support protests on November 25 - the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.
  4. Mobilise our union to support the struggle for trans rights at protests and demonstrations.

Proposing the motion, Liat from MoJ Staffordshire branch said: “We need a united working class movement to fight against all forms of oppression in public services….we should recognise that the rights of trans people do not conflict with the rights of other oppressed sections of society; the very opposite: when one group of oppressed workers win, the others win.”

Seconding the motion, Louise from Forestry Commission EFRA said: “As a general election looms we must reject the exploitation of the trans and LGBTQ+ people for political gains and denounce the divisive rhetoric which is being used to stoke division.”

The motion was carried.