DWP offices facing closure due to GMB G4S security guard strike
Many DWP offices face closure on Tuesday (7) and Wednesday (8) as a result of strike action by G4S staff called by the GMB union.
The significantly reduced security presence on the strike days will mean many DWP sites are not safe for staff, and we have demanded that DWP do not open offices if they are not safe.
PCS fully supports the GMB strike action and sends solidarity to all the G4S staff taking strike action for decent pay on Tuesday and Wednesday.
PCS members in G4S on the DWP contract hope to be able to join their GMB colleagues on strike, as they are balloted for strike action. This began on 1 May and closes on 15 May.
DWP Group President, and Acting National President Martin Cavanagh said: “This is an incredibly important dispute. G4S make massive global profits, yet their staff employed in jobcentres and other DWP offices to keep DWP staff and the public safe, put their bodies on the line every day, yet are paid the minimum wage. This is a scandal."