Fujitsu members accept increased pay offer after successful dispute

PCS members at IT company Fujitsu have voted to accept an improved pay offer following a successful industrial action campaign.

Following strike action by PCS members employed by Fujitsu, the company has almost doubled its initial offer of 2-3% to 5% across the board for everyone with some of the lowest paid receiving up to a 15% increase in salary.

On top of this, the company agreed to give all our members in the dispute an extra day of annual leave, and review out-of-hours rates which haven’t increased in years.

This is the first industrial action that PCS has taken against Fujitsu.

Jim Knotts, PCS industrial officer, said: “It just goes to show the value of being in a union and following the successful PCS strategy of selective paid strike action. This obviously had Fujitsu rattled for them to come back with such an increased offer so near the start of our extended action”.