G4S issues following TUPE - report back

PCS representatives for the new Government Property Agency (GPA) contract met with G4S yesterday (21) to discuss the following issues since the contract went live on 1 November 2023. 

2023 annual leave carry over

G4S confirmed that as of Monday 19 February all staff that have raised an issue about their 2023 annual leave carry over not being added to their 2024 allocation have had this resolved.

If you still have a problem with your annual leave allocation, please inform your local PCS representative no later than the morning of Friday 23 February. PCS will then collate all names and send to G4S, so that this can be resolved urgently.

Provision of new uniforms

We raised the issue of staff only receiving one blazer, one pair of trousers, two/three shirts and female officers having to wear ill-fitting uniforms.

G4S confirmed that every member of staff will be provided with two jackets, two pairs of trousers and five shirts. Supplies have been ordered and will be dispatched between 21 February and 8 March. They also advised that samples had been shared with female officers and these should arrive within the same timeframe.

PCS requested that all staff receive a minimum of three pairs of trousers, two ties and guards that work 72 hours receive six shirts. This will alleviate the high cost of doing a daily wash to ensure uniforms are clean when security officers have limited time due to working shifts.

G4S agreed to raise this with the GPA and to provide PCS with their response by 28 February.

Security Industry Authority (SIA) Licences

G4S informed your representatives that all SIA licenses on GPA contracts will be downgraded from door supervisor level to security guard level as this is what they believed was the new contract requirement.

PCS objected to this primarily because this was not raised as a measure in the recent TUPE consultation. Under TUPE law, if a change is being proposed by a new employer, staff and their recognised trade union should be notified of it, and it should be subject to collective consultation before the transfer takes place. As it was not, PCS’s position is officers should not suffer any detriment and be entitled to G4S funded SIA Licenses at the same level they had before the transfer.

We also have significant concerns that the downgrading of licenses presents an increased risk to you as security officers and to service users. Any change must be subject to consultation with PCS, and this must include assessing the risk and the risk to core to core departments that G4S provide services to, updating the site operating procedures to remove any requirement to restrain and remove, and informing the clients of the reduced security service.

G4S listened to our representations and have agreed to reconsider their position.

Help us build union power

Repeatedly, PCS members have demonstrated that our voices are stronger when we organise ourselves collectively through our trade union.

Help us build union power in your workplace by sharing this update with a colleague that is not yet a PCS member and encourage them to join today.