Gaining confidence and progressing as an activist

Alexander Corbett, vice-convenor of the Y&H young members’ network, tells us about how joining the HMRC YM advisory committee helped him to build his confidence, and his union.

My involvement in the R&C young members’ advisory committee (YMAC) started following a union event in June 2022. I was invited along to the committee, as I had shown an interest in getting involved, but was unaware of how PCS operated and what the YMAC meant. 

Being part of the YMAC put me in contact with some motivated and brilliant young trade unionists who have helped me develop as a rep. The role of a young members’ rep is not clearly defined, unlike the other roles in my branch, and I struggled to define what my role was, being the only active young member in my branch. The committee functions as a point for young members to share ideas and strategies they have used to grow the young members’ network.

Since being elected to the YMAC, I have felt enthusiastic about my work in the branch, organising social events, leafletting our members and raising over £100 for charity. Before joining the YMAC, I lacked the peer support to help support my activities, and I would not have had the confidence to put myself out there and engage members and non-members alike. The YMAC has been able to support my growth as a union member, advocate and rep, and I am hugely grateful for the support the members across the country have given me. This has empowered me to stand for and be elected to other positions such as the Yorkshire and Humber vice-convenor where we’re building the young members’ network across the region.

For any young members who are looking to get more involved in HMRC, the YMAC is a brilliant place to start. The monthly meetings will give you an idea of what other young members have been able to achieve and direction to how you could achieve similar successes within your own branch.