Get involved with ADC2024 as a trainee delegate

You can get more involved with PCS at our Annual Delegate Conference by attending as a trainee delegate.

Your branch should now be holding its annual general meeting (AGM), which will set branch policy for the coming year, elect its officers and decide on motions to go forward to the PCS annual delegate conference (ADC).

If there’s an issue affecting you at work, at home or in wider society and you’d like the union to take a position on it and affect genuine change, you should get involved in your AGM, write a motion or speak about the issue. You can get help with this from your local PCS rep if you’re unsure how.

With AGMs completed, attention will soon switch to who will represent the branch at the annual delegate conference. From 21-23 May, PCS activists from across the UK will gather in Brighton to set the union’s policy for the coming year. Whilst many will be old hands at ADC, for others the thought of speaking in front of hundreds of people can be a daunting one. But if you’ve never been to a PCS ADC before, you might consider attending as a trainee delegate.

If you’re nominated by your branch and accepted, you’ll go through a structured training programme covering conference procedures, democracy in PCS, writing motions and speaking skills before conference. And whilst at ADC, you’ll take part in daily sessions reviewing the previous day’s proceedings and you’ll have the opportunity to discuss the big issues with key speakers from debates.

Find out more

Find out what it’s like to be a trainee delegate by reading about Paul Heckles’ experience at ADC 2023.

If you’d like to get more involved in PCS, speak to your branch secretary about being nominated as a trainee delegate, but you’ll need to move quickly as the deadline for nominations is 5pm on Thursday 7 March.

You can find your branch secretary’s contact information by logging in to PCS Digital and clicking on My Membership > My Branch Committee.