Get involved in your AGM

AGM season has arrived, and branches will be busy organising meetings to elect committees, officers and develop policy. It’s your turn to have your say.

The annual general meeting (AGM) is the focal point of the branch’s year, the meeting where officers and committees are elected to represent you, the membership. Your branch secretary will shortly be sending out details of your branch's AGM and we’re encouraging as many members as possible to attend and take part.

Even if you don’t want to stand as a rep you can still influence the union’s policy and have a positive influence on your workplace for you and your colleagues. By submitting a motion to your branch AGM you can have a direct say on what your branch, group or PCS policy will be on an issue that’s important to you.

If you need help writing a motion one of your branch officers can help you. Log in to PCS Digital to find details of your branch committee by clicking My Details > My Branch Committee.

Workplace democracy

Democracy is central to the trade union ethos, and nowhere is that more keenly felt than at your branch AGM. This is your opportunity to have your say on how your branch has taken your issues forward over the last year, to submit ideas for policy or even to stand as a union rep or advocate yourself. Every member’s vote is equal at an AGM.

Make sure to check your email and noticeboards for details of your AGM, or contact your branch secretary if you haven’t heard anything. All AGMs must be completed by 7 March 2024.

Confused about the AGM?

If you’re a PCS member you can read our frequently asked questions about your AGM on PCS Digital.