HMRC Inland Pre-Clearance ballot reminder

A reminder for PCS members working in HMRC's Inland Pre-Clearance, who are currently being balloted for industrial action. Find out how to request a replacement paper for the ballot which closes on 11 October 2023.

After months of wrangling, HMRC has finally accepted that members working in Inland Pre-Clearance (IPC) are shiftworkers, but the department is still refusing to pay the requisite Shift Disturbance Allowance. Consequently, PCS is balloting members in IPC for strike action and action short of a strike, in an effort to press the department to pay all shiftworking members what they are owed. 

Have you voted yet?

If you work in IPC, you should by now have received your ballot paper through the post (under the government’s anti-trade union laws, all industrial action ballots have to be conducted postally). If you have received your ballot paper but haven’t voted yet, you should do so now.

Don’t forget: for your ballot paper to be counted, it must be received by the independent scrutineer by no later than 12 noon on Wednesday 11 October 2023.

Not received your ballot paper yet?

If you haven’t received your ballot paper yet, you can now request a replacement.

If you need a replacement ballot paper, you must request the replacement online by logging into your PCS Digital account. Using this link, you can also check and update your details if necessary. If you have any difficulties, please contact your PCS branch representative, who can assist you in requesting a replacement paper by using the Organising Hub within their PCS Digital account.

The deadline for using the PCS Digital Organising Hub to request a replacement ballot paper is 12 noon on Wednesday 4 October 2023.


If you work in IPC, we’ve been able to press the department into recognising you are shiftworkers and now we need to get them to pay you the rate for the job.

If we’re to achieve this, you need to vote YES to strike action and YES to action short of a strike.

Join PCS

As your trade union, PCS continues to negotiate with HMRC, and to campaign to stand up for your interests. If you aren’t yet a member of PCS, then you should join today.