Join the People’s Assembly 1 October to protest the Tory party conference.

PCS is encouraging reps and members to support the People’s Assembly’s national demonstration in Manchester this Sunday (1 October) as the Tory party conference gets underway at the Central Convention Complex.

PCS supports the demonstration and this is why:

The UK is literally crumbling under this government. The Tories are hell-bent on continuing their scorched earth policy and their decimation of our public services, schools and hospitals. 13 years of brutal austerity has eaten in to the very fabric of our society. The Tories regressive and oppressive anti-trade union and anti-protest laws must be pushed back. They won’t stop until they are stopped.

The People’s Assembly has organised an exciting range of anti-Tory events from Saturday (30) to Tuesday (3 October). This includes the national demonstration on Sunday (1 October) where Fran Heathcote, our national president, will be addressing the rally. There will be protests, political panels with discussion, great speakers, solidarity support, music, theatre, poetry, and much more, including solidarity support for current strikes.

For coach transport to the demo visit the People’s Assembly website.

PCS members in the North West contact your regional office to ask for help with transport. #UnitedAgainstTheTories