Meeting for members working on the DWP G4S contract

G4S members working on the DWP contract have been made a poor pay offer. PCS is looking to consult with members to decide next steps.

PCS is calling a meeting by Zoom for all members working on the DWP G4S contract. This is in response to the pay offer that was made in December by G4S.

The meeting will be held on Thursday 22 February at 6pm.

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The current offer by G4S:

  • 5.15% with effect from 1 December 2022 and
  • 6.5% from 1 April 2023.

Members will be aware that PCS does not have recognition with G4S on the DWP contract and that our sister union the GMB is recognised by G4S.

The GMB is undertaking a consultative ballot asking the following questions:

  1. Do you accept the company offer for 2022?
  2. If no, are you prepared to take industrial action?

It is our intention to use this meeting to consult members about pay and to find out if there are any other issues of concern for members working on the G4S contract.

Branches should ensure all G4S members are made aware of this meeting and have access to the Zoom link. Members will also be contacted by email.