PCS to campaign against state pension age rises

PCS will campaign against state pension age rises in the face of stalling life expectancy, conference confirmed today.

Moved by the NEC and seconded by DWP Coventry and Warwickshire branch, motion A21 was passed overwhelmingly, committing PCS to campaign vigorously against state pension age rises.

Conference heard how increases in life expectancy have stalled but that this stalling is not equal for all. Recent health studies into the UK civil service, known collectively as the Whitehall studies, show a clear link between grade and life expectancy.

The motion rejected the claim that the state pension age must rise and reaffirmed PCS policy that it should be returned to age 65. 

The state pension, the motion argues, is one of the great extensions of social security won during the last century; it remains essentially a contributory scheme from which future generations have an absolute right to benefit fully.

The NEC has been instructed to demand:

  • The incoming government commits to the triple lock as a minimum to provide an improving level of UK State Pension.
  • Urgent reforms to both state and occupational schemes to eliminate the gender pensions gap.
  • No increases in the State Pension Age (SPA).

John Moloney, speaking on behalf of the NEC to support motion A21, emphasised that the state pension age is a “class issue” and that there “is a divide geographically and occupationally”. 

He pointed out that the local government pension scheme is looking into this problem, specifically the interaction between the public sector equality duty and the pension scheme. He said that this is “a model that we can follow”. 

“If we do nothing,” he added, “millions of people will be condemned to extra work – it’s called slavery.”

Seconding the motion, John from DWP Coventry and Warwickshire said that “we need to fight to improve the social contract to make this country a place fit for heroes again,” referencing the welfare state that was constructed after the destruction of the Second World War. 

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