PCS conference backs plans for refresh of PCS Proud

Delegates at PCS conference voted to write to all members and refresh PCS Proud, the union’s self-governing group for LGBT+ members, and for the union to step up work on tackling underrepresentation.

Motion A293 moved by Liat of MoJ Staffordshire on Wednesday (24) opposed the national executive committee’s plans, put forward in motion A41, to reconstitute Proud, and relaunch it in line with the structures of the union’s other equality groups and provide support to build its membership and networks.

Liat said motion A293 allowed for Proud members to determine its future rather than the NEC.

Angela Grant, who moved motion A41 on behalf of the NEC, stressed that all members of the union “need to unite in the face of our common enemy (the Tory government)”.

“Our union is here to protect every member,” she said. “This is a motion to bring unity to all our equality strands.”

She said that the NEC wanted to give its full support to each and every equality strand in its turn.

Jordan from the Disclosure and Barring Service spoke to support A293 and said that PCS Proud had brought him the skills and confidence to become a PCS rep.

“We want to convene an AGM to discuss Proud’s future, to allow us to hold a lengthy discussion about its issues and how we can resolve them,” he said.

H from HMRC Merseyside branch said it was the “fundamental right of every group to be in charge of their own destiny and it should be decided by Proud”.

Marie from DWP City of Sunderland branch spoke in support of A41 and to oppose A293. She said: “We need to strengthen our equality strands with unity and equality across all protected characteristics.”

Jackie Green spoke to oppose A293 on behalf of the NEC and told conference the intention was not to disband Proud.

“I love Proud and this is not about disbanding Proud. What the NEC is proposing is a refresh of Proud. We want to work together and that’s how we have unity.”

A41 was lost following a card vote and delegates subsequently voted to carry A293.

Read more news from conference.