PCS A to Z E is for Equality Networks

Our Equality Networks of members and reps help to implement PCS campaigns and objectives.

We believe all our members have the right to equality of opportunity wherever they work.

Some members need support overcoming discrimination and particular challenges in the workplace and the wider world and we’re here for you. Our PCS reps are trained and experienced in dealing with these issues and are there to help you.

We also have nationally and regionally organised networks for our equality strands which help to connect under-represented members and give them a voice in the union. Our five national equality forums are devoted to working for women, black, disabled, young, and LGBT+ members.

The job of the networks is to advise the national union on policy and members can also exchange information/best practice and identify areas for guidance. For more information on what each forum does and how you can get involved, visit the equality pages on our website or email equality@pcs.org.uk.

We want to see more people getting involved in our union to make it look more like you.

Work in UK government and not a PCS member? Join online today.