Season’s greetings and thank you from PCS

We would like to thank all our members, activists and supporters for their hard work and dedication during 2023.

We know it has been a difficult year for many of our members because of the ongoing financial crisis. And we are battling a government that is attacking us on many fronts. 

During our national campaign, our members showed how effective industrial action can be, winning an increased pay remit, a one-off £1500 cost-of-living payment and guarantees on redundancy terms. 

We are determined to lead the fight to keep driving up you your pay and deal with the cost-of-living crisis. 

Many members are unable to afford to switch on the heating or to feed their kids – and these are government employees. This is a damning indictment of the Tories and their policies of immiseration. 

We will work tirelessly on your behalf in 2024 to advance our aims in terms of our pay, terms and conditions through our national campaign. We know that the time ahead is going to be tough and it’s important that we have as much unity as possible to take PCS forward and win on our demands.

Also in 2024, we mark the 40th anniversary of the attack on trade union rights at GCHQ, just as the present Tory government is ramping up attacks on the rights of 21st Century trade union members. On 27 January, we will come together in Cheltenham to remember those brave members who took part in that campaign, but also to fight current attacks.

Hopefully, you will be able to take some time off work over the coming days, spend time with loved ones, relax and recharge your batteries for the year ahead.

We want to send you our best wishes for the festive season however you spend it, and we look forward to working with you all to try to ensure we all have a Happy New Year.

Mark Serwotka                   Fran Heathcote 

PCS General Secretary       PCS President and General Secretary-elect