Strike action escalates at The Pensions Regulator
PCS members will take 14 more days strike action as their employer has failed to increase its pay offer.
PCS members working for The Pensions Regulator took strike action between 5 and 18 September in pursuit of our national campaign demands. Their employer has failed to pay staff the full monies available government’s increased pay remit of 4.5-5%.
The revised remit – plus a one-off £1,500 cost-of-living payment – was won by PCS after a six-month campaign that saw three national strikes.
PCS has had four meetings with TPR management, but they have refused to concede anything and have doubled down on their original position of not meeting the terms of the civil service pay remit guidance.
PCS members will therefore take 14 more days of strike action on 11, 12, 17 and 18 October and for two weeks from 23 to 27 October and 30 October to 3 November.
Membership resolve
PCS membership at The Pensions Regulator has nearly doubled since the start of the dispute in August and there have been lively picket lines at their offices in Brighton with up to 50 members attending, plus local support including Caroline Lucas, the Green Party MP for Brighton and Pavilion.
Read On the Picket Line, a blog written by striking member Ange about her experiences and why the strike action is needed.
How to show your support:
• Visit the picket lines on strike days outside Telecom House, 125-135 Preston Road, Brighton BN1 6AF.
• Send messages of support to
• You can also support our striking members by making an online donation to our strike fund.
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