Strike action in The Pensions Regulator continues to attract support

PCS members who work for The Pensions Regulator in Brighton tell us how their two-week strike for fair pay is going.

Over 250 PCS members working for The Pensions Regulator (TPR) are on strike until 18 September. Since 5 September, about fifty members have attended the picket line each day in Brighton to voice their anger over their employer’s continued refusal to fully implement government concessions on pay. 

PCS members at TPR are particularly angry because TPR has got a substantial bonus pot of £1.5 million which is set to be paid mainly to the highest-paid staff, with the lowest paid seeing very little of this money.   

Dave paints a vivid picture of the picket line, which has attracted wide support from the people of Brighton. Many passers-by have stopped to speak with and offer solidarity to our members who are on strike.   

“There is an energy in the air as soon as I approach the building. Only a few people in place at 07:45 and I only know one of them, but we’re all there for the same reason. Some polite ‘hello’s’ and a flag is passed to me,” he says. 

“Everyone is surprisingly relaxed. As more and more people arrive between my own arrival and 08:30 there’s a general chatter of conversation and every car, bus, truck or emergency vehicle horn is greeted with a cheer and a great waving of said flags. Everyone is here not to intimidate or threaten, but to be visible, to try and show there is a problem at TPR.” 

The picket line has also received support from other unions. Unison officials and reps who are attending training courses in a nearby location have been regular visitors and there was even a solidarity visit from a UCU striker and messages of support from the local UCU branch.  

Bill reminds us that many of his colleagues are striking for the first time. Many of these first-timers are, he says, "encouraged by the vocal and horn-tooting support from university workers, pensioners and emergency service colleagues". 

One such first-time picketer is Chad, who admits that striking was not a decision he took lightly.  

“I never ever thought that I would be a person to even consider being on strike or taking part in strike action but I just knew that this time, it was completely the right thing to do,” he says. “I could not stand back any longer and have a voice that was not heard.” 

Another striker, Anna, also did not come to the decision to strike easily:  

“All we are asking for is fairness and transparency on pay,” she explains. “I am disappointed to have to strike to get this, but am proud to be standing shoulder to shoulder with colleagues from across TPR to demand it from our senior leaders” 

How to show your support:  

  • Visit the picket lines which will be held on every day of the strike action (except Saturdays and Sundays) until 18 September, outside Telecom House, 125-135 Preston Road, Brighton BN1 6AF, from 8:00 to 10:30.  
  • Send messages of support to   
  • You can also support our striking members by making an online donation to our strike fund.  

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