Training on menopause needed

PCS conference urged workplace support for those experiencing menopause through training for reps and workplace policies.

A 2016 Wales TUC survey found that nearly 9 in 10 workers said that the menopause had affected their working life. In January 2020, Wales TUC produced a toolkit for reps to help activists understand and address workplace issues that can worsen women’s symptoms and to campaign on relevant health and safety and equality issues.

Rich from the Senedd Commission, proposing motion A51 said: “The menopause is a workplace issue – not just for those who are directly experiencing it but also for line managers and colleagues who should be empowered to support their colleagues. The menopause is often treated negatively or as a joke within the workplace. Very few workplaces have policies in place to support those who experience difficulties during the menopause. This needs to change.”

David from DWP Nottingham seconded the motion, saying: “Workplaces are failing menopausal people – change is urgently needed. Menopausal symptoms can count as a disability.”

His branch has developed training which the employer has asked them to expand. Clara from HMRC East Midlands spoke of the ignorance of many managers around what menopause is and how workers can be supported.

The motion was carried.