Unsung Heroes

Being a trade union rep can sometimes feel like a thankless task, with members overlooking the work that reps do, often going above and beyond for their members. 

It is therefore a welcome surprise when positive feedback is received. Below are two examples of this from members who have recently required representation.

One member writes to thank Lynne Gash-Quantralle for the representation she has provided them over the last 4 years.

“I just wanted to write to explain how wonderful a person Lynne Gash-Quantralle is. She’s a union rep in the south east and works out of the Eastbourne Office, predominantly.

“I joined the civil service (DWP) during Covid, originally as Brooke Street Agency staff, then as a fixed term contract, and then as a permanent member of staff.”

The member goes on to explain that they have experienced really abhorrent behaviour from a number of managers during their time in DWP, and that Lynne has been there to represent them every step of the way, and that without this support they believe the behaviour would have been worse.

“I have experienced narcissism, bullying, gaslighting, unfair treatment and downright rudeness from managers and it has been an incredibly horrible and toxic place to work. 

“So, all of this is to say that I really wanted to express how incredible Lynne has been for me. She has truly been a lifeline at times over the last few years and it is unlikely I’d be where I am today (including being safe and alive) if I’d not had her support.

“She is an incredibly special person who deserves all the recognition for her incredible work. She truly cares and actively listens – both skills of which seem to be a scarcity within DWP. So thank you for continuing to support her in this role.”

Another member wished to convey their thanks to Davina Camadoo for her support and representation.

“Just recently I was met by some intransigent decisions made by the PIP (personal independent payment) management team, regarding the Bristol Universal Credit (UC) decision making (DM) team, and myself in particular and our forced move to PIP.

“This team (PIP) along with managers in Universal Credit were unyielding with their stupidity, arbitrary and non-sensical thought process, making my life a complete misery whilst being particularly unwell.”

The member described how some of the behaviours were impacting on their health, and how PCS, and particularly Davina, had been there for them.

“I asked for support from the union in the first instance from Levoy Getton who was most kind and supportive and he passed me over to Davina.

“From that point on this young lady was kind and understanding and worked tirelessly on my behalf battling the bureaucracy of the PIP management team. She unreservedly communicated with me in a timely manner, kept me up to speed with developments, but more importantly was extremely kind, empathetic and considerate of both my medical condition and the affect the PIP/ UC management team were having on my mental health and wellbeing.

“Davina was “stone walled” along the way but didn’t give up in her support of me. The result being that Davina was able to bring my matter to a happy conclusion in my favour.

“Davina is an amazing ambassador for the union and an absolute credit to PCS.

“I have passed my heartfelt thanks onto Davina, but she is a very modest person who said she was just doing her job. I think not, she went above and beyond.

“Thank you, PCS, for supporting your member and especially to the very special Davina Camadoo.”

Both reps were grateful for this feedback. It’s not a job that is done for praise or thanks, but it is always nice to be acknowledged. They both confirmed they were happy for this feedback to be published.