Update: Hybrid Working and Minimum Office Attendance in CPS

An update from PCS CPS president Steve Thorley on the ongoing Hybrid Working consultation process. 

On 11 January the director of public prosecutions announced proposed changes to hybrid working and set out two very similar proposals around mandated, minimum office attendance levels.

Alongside the CPS local meetings on hybrid working, PCS and FDA have been consulting our members separately since this announcement. Thank you to everyone who has attended meetings, completed our survey and sent us your thoughts and questions by email and Teams chat. The meetings attracted a very large level of attendance and there was a huge response to our survey, the results of which are being analysed by members of your elected group executive committee (GEC). You have made it very clear what your thoughts are on the suggested options and how a mandated or increased level of office attendance will affect you. Your views and circumstances will very much shape the position we take to CPS management on this hugely important issue.

Details of the results of our members' survey will be published in due course and we will be using them, along with all the other feedback received, in our meeting with the director and executive group at the end of the month.  We will update you as soon as possible following that meeting.