What's On? 4 September - 10 September

In the week when our national executive committee meets to discuss the ballot results, there is  a range of courses on offer for new and existing reps.

Find out the ballot results

Read the results of our online consultative ballot.

Proud to be a key worker, proud to be a trade unionist campaign launches

Follow the campaign throughout the autumn and look out for activities your branch can get involved with. There will be leafleting of PCS workplaces on 4 and 5 September. 

Read our FAQs on disability

If you’re struggling in work because of a physical or mental health condition, this may be considered a disability and you’ll be protected under equality legislation.

Pakistan after the floods

4 September: 1pm – 2pm

This briefing will discuss what happened after the floods and how climate change is impacting Pakistan. Speakers will include Farooq Tariq, General Secretary of the Pakistan Kissan Rabita Committee

Introduction to Equality - Scotland and Northern Ireland regions 

6 September: 9:30am – 4pm

This session explores why is it important for the union to lead the way on equalities and will give you a basic understanding of the 'protected characteristics', key concepts such as discrimination, and The Equality Act. 

Bullying (Taster session)

6 September: 12:30pm – 1:30pm

This introductory or 'taster' session helps you spot bullying behaviours, start to define the many ways that bullying can manifest itself, and understand why bullying is a trade union issue.

Workplace Reps: Essential Building Blocks

7 - 22 September: 9:30am – 4pm

This course is aimed at newly-appointed reps and union advocates. It will give you the skills and knowledge to effectively represent your members, covering organising, campaigning, negotiating, equality, and more.

LSE Women's Network - Coffee Morning

11 September: 10am – 11am

London and the Southeast Women's network is having a virtual coffee morning. All women in the London and the Southeast are welcome to join 

Register with PCS Digital to book yourself onto an upcoming course

PCS courses and events are listed on PCS Digital. To view and reserve spaces for upcoming events you'll need to log in. If you have not yet registered for PCS Digital, please do so.

Check your details are up to date

Make sure your personal and contact details are correct on PCS Digital so that we can contact you and send you important information.

Get in touch

Check out our events pagePCS Digital, or contact your local rep or regional office to find out what’s going on this week and in the coming weeks.

Let us know what your group or branch is planning so we can publicise it in our weekly round-up. Email web@pcs.org.uk

Stay informed by updating your details securely online by registering for PCS Digital