Winners of Organising and Communications Awards 2024 announced

The awards, presented at conference today, acknowledge the incredible work our activists do to build PCS and win for our members.

Individual award

The winner of the individual award Louis Radforth from HMRC Merseyside, with commendations for Simmeron Katbamna from DLUHC HQ Branch, Rose Baker from HMRC Croydon Regional Centre Branch, Christian Goulart-McNerney from Ofgem and Kirsty Williams from the National Museum of Wales.

In his role as chair of the HMRC young members’ advisory committee and vice-chair of the national young members committee, Louis has worked hard to organise, develop, and recruit new young activists in PCS, spearheading the first ever group-specific young members’ seminar in 2024. He represented PCS on the May Day delegation to Cuba and has been working with other young members in his branch to drive turnout in the national ballot. 

Team award

The winner of the team award is the Disclosure and Barring Service branch. The branch team at DBS has introduced a new organising and communication strategy designed to more effectively engage and recruit members to PCS. The branch has focused on shorter, more accessible communications for members, including a weekly roundup of events focusing on issues and campaigns both locally and nationally. It has used WhatsApp to keep members up-to-date and had a fresh and unique approach to social media, engaging members in campaigns and disputes in a fun and creative way.

There were also commendations for the National Young Members’ Committee and the DEFRA 4-day week campaign.

New activist

The winner of the New Activist award goes to Saul Cahill from DWP Tyneside and Northumbria branch. Saul has worked hard to engage members in his branch, particularly focus on recruiting and organising other young members, taking on personal cases and building the jobcentre network locally, resulting in important wins for members. He was elected as the young members’ convenor in the northern region, working to build an active and engaged network, organising young member events, attending rallies and demonstrations, and representing the voice of young members nationally at PCS Live events and on the national young members’ committee.

Finn Weldin from HMRC Croydon Regional Centre Branch was commended in this category.

Well done to all winners and commendations.