Activate: 'More vital than ever that young people fight for a fair deal at work'

In her latest column for Activate, Fran writes about her journey from young member to activist, the importance of the Young Members’ Network, and the role young members can play in our fight for pay restoration.

I started working for the DWP over thirty years ago, joining the union straight away as a young member. At my first meeting they were looking for a rep. Somebody pointed at me and said ‘she’s young and gobby’, and it’s gone on from there.

I’m no longer a young member but it’s as necessary today as it ever was that young people join their union. In fact, with issues of low pay, high housing costs, and student debt it’s more vital than ever that young people fight for a fair deal at work. Even better, unlike when I started out, now we have a recognised structure to get involved in, and PCS is incredibly proud of our young members’ network.

Earlier this year, it was reported to the NEC that younger people are joining PCS at a faster rate than at any other point in the last decade. That has been visible at our conference, on our picket lines and in the growth of our young members’ structures. That is good for the health of our union and good for young people.

This generation has been let down by 15 years of government-imposed austerity that has driven down pay, cut public services, and failed to build enough housing or regulate rents – as well as increasing fees for further and higher education.

I know many members care about more than the workplace too – and want our union to be a strong voice for international solidarity, anti-racism and environmental sustainability. Our union has backed events, demonstrations and rallies in those causes over recent weeks and I have been proud to speak at them representing the policies democratically decided by you, our members.

Through our campaigning we have gained stronger pay rises in recent years – leveraging more money out of the last Conservative government after strike action and with the above-inflation pay remit from the new government this year.

But, after years of real terms pay cuts, that does not go far enough. That’s why we are fighting for pay restoration – to secure real terms increases year after year to put our members’ incomes back to where they should be.

I know that is a campaign that young members will get behind, and we must use that to recruit new starters in workplaces around the country. So if you know a work colleague who is not a member, please ask them to join today.

I also want to wish good luck to all those standing in the current Young Members elections in regions and nations, and encourage all young members to use your vote.