Democracy timetable

The annual general meeting (AGM) is a vital event in the PCS calendar, providing an opportunity for members to come together, review the past year’s activities, and shape the direction of the year ahead. It is essential that branches adhere to key deadlines for notifying members, submitting nominations and motions, and holding the meeting itself.

28 days before the AGM
Branches should inform all members of the date, time, and venue of the AGM at least 28 days in advance. This ensures members are given sufficient notice to prepare for the meeting and participate.

14 days before the AGM
Members who wish to put forward nominations for positions or propose motions must submit these to the branch secretary no later than 14 days before the meeting. This allows time for the submissions to be reviewed and included in the agenda.

7 days before the AGM
The branch secretary should circulate all received nominations and motions to members at least seven days before the AGM. This ensures members have time to review what will be discussed and decided during the meeting.

Deadline for holding AGMs
AGMs must be held by Thursday, 6 March 2025 at the latest. This ensures that all necessary business is completed within the required timeframe.

Nominations and motions for group conferences, ADC, and elections
Approved motions and nominations for group conferences, the annual delegate conference (ADC), or candidates for election should be submitted by 5pm on Thursday, 6 March 2025. Adhering to this deadline ensures the branch’s contributions are included and considered in wider organisational discussions and elections.